三十年的专注,铸就今天的专业。河南康程粮油机械制造有限公司是至力于钢板仓的研究开发创新的新型企业。是装配式波纹钢板立筒仓及配套设备的专业生产厂家。钢板仓作为公司的支柱产品已在行业内得到认可。公司拥有全套钢板仓加工的生产设备,计算机辅助设计,在车间直接做成系列化,标准化配件,定位精确,便于县城安装,提高了产品的质量和可靠性。 Thirty years of focused,casting professional today.Zhengzhou kang cheng Yu Guangban warehouse storage equipment co.,LTD.,is to forse the research and development of innovation of new enterprises.Is fabricated corrugated steel vertical silos and the supplementary equipment professional manufacturers.Steel silo as the pillar of the company's products have been recognized in the industry. 联系电话:(微信同号) qq: